A Tribute to Love

When I think about my job and the impact it can have on people's lives, I wouldn't be able to do it if I didn't think it had meaning.  People trust me with their most intimate moments and feelings.  They trust me to document them and to be apart of their lives, even if it is only for one day.  I cherish my job, and there isn't a day that goes by that I am not grateful and don't take the responsibility I have been given seriously.  Sure I like to make beautiful  images, but I know that the real impact in my work is in the moments I am able to capture, the feelings I am able to portray, and the precious memories I am able to give every single person who steps in front of my camera.

I have shared Kristen and Sean's story on my blog when I photographed their engagement photos and wedding.  Sean was diagnosed with brain cancer within 2 months of getting engaged to Kristen.  They fought very hard together to keep the cancer from spreading or getting worse.  For a few months, they were very successful.  They bought a house together, had great careers, and enjoyed their fur baby family.

When I got the email from Kristen letting me know Sean wasn't doing well, that his cancer had worsened and that he was given a small window of time, my heart sank.  It wasn't that I was naive that this could happen, it was that I hoped so much that it wouldn't.  They are young and have fought so damn hard.  Kristen told me that Sean asked her if she had enough pictures of the two of them, how thoughtful of him.  Of course Kristen said no and asked if I would come over to snap some casual photos of them together at home.  I was more than happy to do this for them.

When I got to the house I didn't know what to expect.  I was around 7 months pregnant, and I did not want my emotions to get out of control.  It wasn't like that at all.  Sean looked great.  He needed help getting around, but he still had that beautiful, vibrant spirit I was able to see each time I photographed him.  We joked a lot and he smiled so much.  He looked at Kristen with those same loving eyes I had seen the first time I met him.  It was very touching to witness.

Sean passed away December 8, 2015 at his home surrounded by Kristen's love.  He fought so hard, it was very sad to see the news of his passing.  But, I know he is now at peace, and we have to find comfort in that.  I encourage each of you who is reading this blog to take time everyday to appreciate the love in your life, not because it could be gone tomorrow, but because it is here today.  Live in the moment, let your worries fade.  There is no better time than now to accept love, to give love, and to appreciate the life you are given.  We aren't ever sure how how much or how little time we have with the people who mean so much to us.  What you do with it is up to you.  The impact you make on other people's hearts is your legacy.  We need each other to heal and to grow.  My heart has been so heavy for Kristen.  Today, as she says her final goodbyes to her husband, I hope she is surrounded by peace and is able to someday heal from her loss.  She has handled every day with such strength.  She comforted her husband through sickness and health.  The vows she took were sincere.  I admire her greatly.

This is my favorite picture of Sean from that day.  Look at that spirit in his eyes.  He was a very warm, compassionate person. I am happy to have had the chance to get to know him.  love_0778Kristen took time off of work to comfort and take care of Sean.  She slept right beside him every night. love_0791Their sweet family.  love_0795love_0797Sean's best friend Scott was there to help Kristen take care of Sean. love_0799love_0803love_0807love_0809love_0814love_0815love_0817love_0818love_0823love_0824love_0825He absolutely adored her.  And she took such good care of him. love_0826love_0829love_0831love_0832

Engagement Photos at Devou Park

Spring weather, gorgeous flowers, and a beautiful couple in love.  This is my idea of a way to spend the perfect day.  Brett and Kat were so much fun to photograph.  Their wedding later this year is going to be so much fun, I can't wait!

 Here are a few of my favorites from their engagement photos.devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0001devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0022devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0038devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0033devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0006devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0008devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0009devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0031devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0027devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0019devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0017devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0011devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0014devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0028

Becca and Greg Dallas Texas Portraits

You might remember Becca Greg from their Jackson, Ohio wedding I photographed last year.  Soon after they married they transferred to Dallas, Texas.  I was in Texas last week visiting family, so I caught up with Becca and Greg to do a mini session with their little fur baby Bella.  It was really nice hearing about their new life in Texas.  Im not gonna lie, that weather was nothing to complain about either. 7o and sunny in Feburary, take me back please.dallastexasengagement_1575dallastexasengagement_1576dallastexasengagement_1577dallastexasengagement_1578dallastexasengagement_1579dallastexasengagement_1580dallastexasengagement_1581dallastexasengagement_1582dallastexasengagement_1583dallastexasengagement_1584

Ally and Aaron Cincinnati Photographer

I have wanted to do a session like this for a while.   I love the intimate moments and conversations that happen in the bedroom late at night or first thing in the morning,  I call this special time Pillow Talk.  It's when you and your lover are alone and free to share your dreams.  It's where affection is over flowing.  Even when you are far apart,  you still want to touch feet or hands.  It's where you are still a child and tickle each other until you cry.  It's holding, kissing, touching, breathing, smelling, embracing, laughing, talking...it's love.  Problems are solved and bonds are formed during this special time together.

I started a Pintrest board about 4 years ago to post intimate images of couples that moved me.  Recently I posted on my Facebook page that I was looking for a couple that would be interested in setting up an intimate shoot inspired by my board.  Ally responded immediately and I was thrilled.  I had become friends with Aaron a little while back when I met him at a local eatery where he works.  We connected via Facebook and Instagram so I had seen lots of photos of the couple together.  I knew they would be perfect for this photo session.  As soon as I arrived at their beautiful home that was overflowing with gorgeous natural light,  we began the session.  There was lots of kissing and nuzzling.  Everything happened very naturally.  These two are in love,  the outpouring of emotion was beautiful.  I am very grateful they allowed me experience and document a piece of it.

Kate and Erik's Clifton Engagement Session

I met Kate and Erik in the gaslight part of Clifton for their engagement session.  Though they no longer live in Cincinnati, they spent a lot of time in this part of town throughout their college years.  It was nice getting to know them and hearing about how they met.   Kate and Erik met back in the Myspace days. Erik's band  at the time Till Plains had a show and Kate went to see them.   Little did she know she was going to meet her future husband that night.  They spent some time as friends, going to shows and hanging out.  Eventually friendship turned into love.  I am looking forward to their wedding next year. 

Rachel and Casey's Maternity Session

When I added up how long I have known Rachel and Casey, I was left feeling a little old....over 15 years, wow!  We all went to the same teeny tiny high school.  I was excited to meet them at their Kentucky farm for their maternity pictures.  It's nice to catch up with people I haven't seen in years.  Rachel, with her cute little baby bump, was such a trooper baring the cold long enough for me to get some of my favorite maternity pictures to date, thanks girl.  I am excited to meet their little one next month!

Jacqueline and Chip Columbus Park of Roses

Jacqueline and Chip met through mutual college friends.  At Halloween time they would have a friendly pumpkin carving competition. Jacqueline thought she had Chip beat with an elaborate design she worked very hard on.  Chip decided he not only wanted to win the competition, but also wanted to win Jacqeline's hand in marriage.  He carved "will you marry me?" into his pumpkin.  What a sweetheart!  Needless to say, he won the competition, and later this year his prize will be seeing Jacqueline walk down the aisle to become his wife.  I am so happy they chose me to photograph it. :)  

I met Jacqueline and Chip at one of their favorite parks in Columbus, The Park of Roses for their engagement session..  Whoa!  What a beautiful place.  I was overwhelmed by all of the beautiful color and fragrances.  Apparently the roses hit their peak in August, I will definitely be heading back up there to check it out.

Sometimes I like to pull toys out of my camera bag and experiment.  I love this one.

Caroline and Stephen Rabbit Hash Kentucky

I met this gorgeous couple along the river in Kentucky at a little town called Rabbit Hash.  Stephen grew up in Boone County so this place has always been part of his life.  It was the perfect spring day.  We met right before sunset and the wind was blowing just right.  Caroline greeted me with the warmest smile.  She is a total sweetheart. I was in heaven taking these photos.  Caroline and Stephen are adorable together.  Caroline is a very modestly beautiful girl.  It was nice hearing Stephen complimenting her throughout the evening.  Caroline was a skater for Disney on Ice so Stephen being the sweet guy he is, took her to Disney World to purpose.  I love it! Thank you so much for this amazing evening you guys!  I cant wait until your wedding in the fall!A couple of polaroids from the shoot.

Valarie and Shawn's New Family

Valarie and Shawn were some of my very first wedding clients.  They had a pretty Bardstown, Kentucky wedding around 3 years ago.  I was thrilled when I found out  Valarie was expecting a little boy and wanted to do a maternity/newborn session.  Sweet little Elliot is a doll.  He slept the entire time I was at their home shooting.  Valarie was so gentle and loving with him.  She is going to be the best mom ever!  Thank you so much for including me in these precious moments of your life Valarie and Shawn.


Experimenting with Ross and Laura

Check out this super talented couple I had the pleasure of photographing.  When I called them up to ask to them to do a shoot, I planned on doing environmental portraits for my on going personal project Artists and Their Space.  Once I started shooting, I knew this wasn't just going to be a standard shoot.  I felt free to explore with them, to experiment.  Some things worked, some didn't, but that the beauty of creating.  We shot through light bulbs and light fixtures,  we used oil lamps and fluorescent bulbs.  It was a blast!  

Ross and Laura have been together since they were teens.  Musically, they are a force.  Ross plays guitar in the , The Tongue and Lips and Laura has her own band called Children of the Emerald Fire.  Together they just started a new band called Electric Citizen.  You can see them tonight at The Southgate House Revival.  Check out their demo here, I have been listening non stop.

Carly and Ryan's Boathouse Engagement

I took a beautiful drive up to Jamestown, Ohio for Carly and Ryan's engagement session.  They are getting married next year here at Carly's family vacation house.  The house sits on a gorgeous lake.  After a warm greeting by Carly and her family,  I was given a tour of the ceremony/reception location.  Talk about being giddy with excitement.  I love backyard weddings that are comfortable, laid back, and full of personal touches.  It was so nice getting to know Carly and Ryan and hearing all about their love story.  They were so sweet together, laughing and joking the entire time I was shooting.

I drove home with a huge smile plastered on my face, attitudes are contagious and being around love makes me happy.  I cant wait until their wedding!  This is Carly and Ryan's sweet daughter.  

Sarah and Karen's Northside Cincinnati Engagement

I love when couples choose locations that have special meaning to them for their photo sessions.  It makes the shoot so much more personal.  I met Sarah and Karen in Northside for this very sweet engagement session.  Northside is where they had their first date and their first kiss.  It was a real pleasure getting to know these two and hearing all about their love story.  Unfortunately, the state of Ohio still has a ban on gay marriage so Sarah and Karen are officially getting married later this year in New York.  They will be having a commitment ceremony at the Bell Event Centre .  I am honored they want me there to photograph it.

Special thanks to Rachel at Brideface for dolling the girls up for the shoot, they looked fantastic! I met Sarah and Karen at the Northside Tavern, where we planned on taking a few photos.  There was a wedding reception at the bar and I could not get in due to a line down the street.  I spotted Karen in the window and decided to shoot from outside instead.  I love the way these turned out.  Magic.Northside is full of color and interesting art.  We had a little fun with some of the wall murals. :)Love. Sidewinder Coffeshop where they had their first date. We headed over to Covington to get some images along the river. 

Jordan and Kent's Love Session

Jordan and Kent met in England where Jordan is originally from.  I cant tell you how much I love her British accent and the fact that she calls all of her friends "mate".  After six years of marriage these two are still full of admiration and passion for each other.  It was really beautiful to photograph.cincinnati wedding photographercincinnati wedding photographercincinnati-wedding-photographercouple-city-downtowncouple-sitting-lovecincinnati-wedding-photographercincinnati-wedding-photographermarried-lovesilhouette-flare-couplekissing couple

Family Photos at Devou Park

Ashley and Adam planned a special family photo session with their dogs Missy who is 11 and Kendra who is 9.  We took them to Devou Park, where the fall colors were gorgeous.  There is nothing like crunching through piles of leaves chasing a couple of dogs on a warm sunny day.  I could have stayed there for hours :)  Thank you Ashley and Adam for the fantastic evening.

I think this one is great. I have been obsessed with this kind of lens flare since I watched Pride and Prejudice for the first time a couple of months ago.  It is so beautiful and dramatic.The view of Cincinnati from Devou Park is spectacular! 

I love my job!

Today I am photographing Jen and Paul, my last scheduled wedding of the year.  It is going to be fantastic!  They have incorporated so many personal details into their day, I cant wait to see everything. :)

The past few weeks have been unbelievable.  I have lots of great blog posts brewing, one might even include me giving something spectacular away...stayed tuned to find out.

Here is a peak of what is coming up...

Jessica and Ricky Cincinnati Maternity Photographer

Jessica and I first met when we worked together years ago.  I always thought she was such a pretty girl and so, so sweet.  I was so excited when she asked me to come to her parent's beautiful log cabin for a maternity session with her husband, Ricky.  They are adorable together.

Jessica's parents house was kind of a sensory overload.  It is full of gorgeous antiques, my favorite.  Since Jessica also booked a newborn session we thought it would be a great idea to shoot it at grandma's house so we can use some of her amazing furniture.  One more month until baby Zoey is here and we get to have more fun,  I can't wait.

I am very lucky to get such amazing clients who allow me  to experiment and push things creatively.  Thanks so much Jessica and Ricky for allowing to capture this special time in your lives.  See you next month!!! 

Steamy Love Session

My inspiration for this shoot came from a romance novel I picked up at a used book store.  The cover photo is very dramatic and sexy, full of lust and intrigue.  I thought it would be fun to do a love session that would represent what I think a modern day romance novel should look like.  Leah and Derek were the perfect couple for this shoot, I cannot thank them enough for being such awesome models.  They are both super hot, and they were not shy about getting all steamy in front of my camera.

These photos are Hot! ;)