Engagement Photos at Devou Park

Spring weather, gorgeous flowers, and a beautiful couple in love.  This is my idea of a way to spend the perfect day.  Brett and Kat were so much fun to photograph.  Their wedding later this year is going to be so much fun, I can't wait!

 Here are a few of my favorites from their engagement photos.devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0001devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0022devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0038devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0033devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0006devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0008devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0009devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0031devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0027devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0019devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0017devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0011devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0014devouparkengagement_nikitagross_0028

Kristen and Sean's Kentucky Engagement Session

Beautiful fall weather and so much love.  This one was very special for me.  I got to hang out and watch these two compliment each other perfectly.

 After a long friendship, with lots of flirting, Kristen and Sean's  relationship revealed itself as love.  They were drawn to each other and couldn't deny it any longer.   I asked them when they knew it was the real thing.  Kristen responded,  "I knew it was real one day when we were watching TV together, he leaned over to scratch my back.   It was the first time we touched in a different way.  He said " I knew when I took her for a long bike ride.  She had been holding onto me all day.  I knew she was the one."

They let down their guards and really felt each other,  their hearts opened up to the love that they had for each other.   So sweet.


Tina and Joe's Devou Park Engagement

 I fell in love with Tina's spirit when she joined a friend and I for a night out last year,  she has a very comfortable personality, like someone I have known for years.  I met Joe soon after when they invited me out for dinner.  We talked for hours about life, love, and following your dreams.  We also talked about their wedding...I was blown away when they said they want to have a very intimate destination wedding in Asheville, North Carolina and they wanted to bring me with them.  WHOA!!  It is a dream for me to be able to photograph people I connect so well with.

For their engagement session we hung around Devou Park where they live and spend a lot of time.  It was late in the day, the sun was shining and their love was a breathe of fresh air.  Joe adores Tina, she is the gentle spirit that completes him.

  I am so happy to be part of their love story.


Gina and Tanner's Drees Pavilion Reception

I photographed Gina and Tanner's intimate ceremony earlier this year.  Welcome to part 2 of their celebration, the reception.  We started at Gina's parents house, then moved to beautiful Dree's Pavilion in Devou Park.  The day started out rainy and gloomy, but not for long.  The sun came out just in time for us to capture some really pretty images.  Notice how big Gina's smile is in every single picture.  The love these two share was wonderful to witness.  Thank you for the amazing evening Gina and Tanner!

Christina and Brandon's Fall Cincinnati Wedding

This is my last wedding of the year and it is another beautiful one!  Christina and Brandon were married at The Bell Event Centre.  It was a gorgeous fall day full of lots of color and sunshine.  Christina looked stunning in her dress from Kotsovos.  These two currently live in Chicago, but are originally from the Cincinnati area.  Friends and family came from all over the country to help celebrate their love.  It was a classy night filled with tons of fun, I was happy to be part of it!

I started the day at Christina's parents house, where the girls got ready.  As soon as I saw this window I knew I had to use it for a dramatic bridal portrait.

So pretty!  Christina's makeup is by Brideface and Jen Nally styled her hair.   We had to include a little bit of Cincinnati into their pictures. The guys looked sharp in their gray suits and paisley print ties. I love the way the color of the girl's dresses popped with the fall colors. The beautiful Bell.

Family Photos at Devou Park

Ashley and Adam planned a special family photo session with their dogs Missy who is 11 and Kendra who is 9.  We took them to Devou Park, where the fall colors were gorgeous.  There is nothing like crunching through piles of leaves chasing a couple of dogs on a warm sunny day.  I could have stayed there for hours :)  Thank you Ashley and Adam for the fantastic evening.

I think this one is great. I have been obsessed with this kind of lens flare since I watched Pride and Prejudice for the first time a couple of months ago.  It is so beautiful and dramatic.The view of Cincinnati from Devou Park is spectacular! 

Cincinnati Senior Portraits

Im not going to lie, once in a while I pop out my senior memories book for a night of reminiscing.   I was a senior in 1996, which for me was a year of great times I will always remember,  but also a year of  bad hair, high waisted jeans, scrunchies, and clod hopping military boots.

My senior pictures were taken at the "it" studio that everybody was going to at the time.  On picture day I gathered up all of my favorite outfits and my best friend and we headed to the studio.  I thought it was so cool to have my pictures taken by a professional photographer.  I felt so special that day.  In 1996 I loved my pictures and  I wanted everyone of them, today I cringe at my pictures and feel awful that my dad spent so much money on prints that are still in the box.  No CDS back in those days... The studio used cheesy gold studio lighting and metallic backdrops.  They had  ladders and a fake graffiti wall with '96 spray painted on it.  My pictures were just corny.  One day when I am brave enough I will post them...though I will say this, the zipper on my jeans was at least 12 inches long.  I was wearing "mom jeans" at 17. :)

When Adrienne's mother contacted me about setting up a Senior photo session, she said she wanted something personal and special for Adrienne.  She wanted to shoot in Devou Park and Mainstrasse.  I love that more and more seniors want to take their pictures outside of the studio.  It makes the experience so much more exciting and unique.  Senior pictures don't have to be corny studio pictures anymore.  They can actually be pretty creative and cool pictures, instead of pictures you want to hide from 15 years later. :) We ran all over Covington.  I honestly felt like a 17 year old in a 32 year olds body that day.  It was a lot of  fun.  Adrienne is very pretty and so, so sweet.  She was a natural in front of the camera.  She brought along her best friend, Polly to be our performing artist/comedian and she did a great job keeping us laughing all evening. :)  Thanks Polly!  And thank you Adrienne for choosing me to take your senior pictures! :)

Boys will be boys!

I had the pleasure of hanging out with this family a few weeks ago at Devou Park.  It was so much fun!  A few sticks and a golf course to race on is all these boys needed for a good time :)

I love this one. :) In this picture we saw a squirrel run up a tree.   The boys started yelling, Alvin, Simon, Theodore.

How cute! And the winner is...