Jacqueline and Chip Columbus Park of Roses

Jacqueline and Chip met through mutual college friends.  At Halloween time they would have a friendly pumpkin carving competition. Jacqueline thought she had Chip beat with an elaborate design she worked very hard on.  Chip decided he not only wanted to win the competition, but also wanted to win Jacqeline's hand in marriage.  He carved "will you marry me?" into his pumpkin.  What a sweetheart!  Needless to say, he won the competition, and later this year his prize will be seeing Jacqueline walk down the aisle to become his wife.  I am so happy they chose me to photograph it. :)  

I met Jacqueline and Chip at one of their favorite parks in Columbus, The Park of Roses for their engagement session..  Whoa!  What a beautiful place.  I was overwhelmed by all of the beautiful color and fragrances.  Apparently the roses hit their peak in August, I will definitely be heading back up there to check it out.

Sometimes I like to pull toys out of my camera bag and experiment.  I love this one.