Family Session on a Farm

Jennifer contacted me a few months ago about setting up this very special family session.  She has had a very tough year in and out of the hospital with a blood disease that has changed her life dramatically.  She has fought hard, with the support of her loving family and friends she is home feeling better.  This photo session is her way of celebrating her life and her family. I am so happy to be part of it! :)

We did the session at Jennifer's parents house, which happens to be on a glorious farm in Kenton County.  Jennifer, her husband Chris and her daughter Avery showed me around the farm while I snapped pictures of them.  This farm has what every great farm should have, cows, roosters, an orchard,  a huge barn, and lots of dogs protecting the place.  Ahhhh... my dream house for sure!

Fun Family Portraits

I met this family a couple of weeks ago for a fun photo session that ended with the kids getting soaking wet. :) It had rained all day, and I have to admit I was kinda excited.  I have been dying to do a shoot in the rain or at least right after a good rain.  The rain stopped just in time for our session and the light was amazing. I loved that there were giant puddles everywhere. What was even more exciting was when when Mom said it was OK for the kids to play in those puddles.  Fun, fun, fun! I have the best clients ever!