Gina and Mike Part 2

A few weekends ago I had the pleasure of joining Gina and Mike at Mike's family's house, along the river in Kentucky,  for an amazing reception.  If you follow my blog you remember  how laid back and intimate their wedding was.  The reception was just as intimate except this time they added a few more people and a boat to the party. :)

This is our view from the house.     This is Mike's grandmother.  Her husband bought the property for his family to have a gathering place for parties and summer fun.I loooove old barns!!!!

Mike's family is HUGE!  I got to hear stories from three generations about the memories they had of the house growing up.  This is a hole from a bb gun.  One of the little girls at the party told me that her dad put it there when he was younger.

There were amazing little treasures all over the house.

Coming up from the river.

Gina and her dad.

Gina's nephew taking a little break. Party time!! :) So I am really embarrassed to admit that as much as I love the river, this is my first time out in a boat. (unless you count the BB River boats) I had a blast!  I was hooting and hollering the entire time!    I love this!!! When Mike's grandfather bought the property for their summer house he also bought up all of the property next to it.  It is now occupied by his family.  They have their own little town. :) Captain Mike Beautiful Gina

Bubble time with Ethan. Gina's niece enjoying one of the cupcakes her mother made.

I bribed Gina's son with my camera at the wedding.  If he would do what I asked I would let him take a picture.  He loved it.  He would keep asking me all day to take a picture and when I let him he would just keep shooting and shooting.  Looks like he got a hold of his aunt's camera this time! :) I love these girls! Mike's mom did an amazing job organizing the party.  Thanks for such a great time! :)

Once it got dark we headed down to the river for the biggest bonfire I have ever seen.  The amount of stars we were able to see was breathtaking.  I need to get out of the city more. :) Mike and Gina, thanks again for allowing me to be part of so much fun! :)