Nurse Nina

My sister Nina graduated from one of Cincinnati's best nursing schools today, and I am so proud.   She not only graduated with a 3.2 GPA,  she did it while being a wonderful mother to one teenager and three little boys (one of which she had while on summer break) and while going through a major surgery.  She worked hard. With the support of her husband and family she did it,  Nina is a Nurse. :)

Watching my sister go through nursing school has given me an even deeper appreciation for the job nurses do, a job that far too often goes unnoticed.    Nurses take care of us from the moment we enter the world until we take our last breathe.  They are the caregivers of humanity.   It takes a heart of gold to do what they do. The next time you are at the hospital remember to thank them or at least give them a warm smile, I know they will appreciate it. :)

Congratulations to the entire Good Samaritan College of Nursing class of 2010!

A letter I got from my sister when I was nine after having my appendix removed.  It is so special to me.  She has always been so caring and selfless. She smiled like this the entire time.

Her nursing buddy, Judy. She did it!   Why am I the only one laughing?  Must have been my joke! ;)   With her husband, Kevin. Here she is with my oldest nephew, Austin.  Smiling in a picture with your mom can be so difficult as a teenager huh,  Austin. ;) The little boys are home with their uncle. Nina you are a beautiful mother, a caring wife, a loving daughter, and my best friend.  Your heart is so warm and strong.   I am proud of the positive impact you will have on so many lives as a nurse.

I love you Sis!
