Emily and Enzo

When Emily contacted me about setting up a session with her and her son, Enzo I was thrilled.  She wanted to capture the love she has for her little man and the special relationship they have.  She and her husband Todd are wonderful parents.  I look up to the way they haven't totally lost themselves in parenting, instead they incorporate Enzo into their activities.  He's such a sweet little boy who is so social and smiling every time I see him.

Now that I am pregnant, I have such a huge appreciation and a new found fondness for motherhood.  Emily has been so amazing answering all of the wacky questions I might have.  She doesn't judge, something I admire greatly in a friend.

I am grateful for the opportunity to give her these special images of her and her little boy. :)

First up, a few Polaroidsmotherandsonportraits_0526 motherandsonportraits_0525 motherandsonportraits_0527 motherandsonportraits_0541motherandsonportraits_0529 motherandsonportraits_0538 motherandsonportraits_0530 motherandsonportraits_0553motherandsonportraits_0551motherandsonportraits_0534 motherandsonportraits_0535 motherandsonportraits_0542motherandsonportraits_0555motherandsonportraits_0556motherandsonportraits_0545 motherandsonportraits_0528