iPhone Thursday

Though I keep telling myself I am going to take some time off, I wake up every day to find myself once at again at my desk in front of my computer.  I have so many ideas running through my head,  it is getting harder and harder to shut myself down and relax.  I don't mind it,  in fact I love it, I really do, but I know I need to take a little time out here and there to recharge and reconnect with the people I love.   The only way for me to do this is to get out of the house.  Dave and I went to dinner and to see Black Swan this week, it is amazing!  It has been 2 days since we saw it and I have not stopped thinking about it.  This week my Dad also turned 50.  On his birthday we had a really great phone conversation.  We didn't talk about jobs, or kids, or family, or getting older, we talked about  music for 2 hours straight, I loved it!

Here's to not forgetting about what is in front of you while building for the future.  Something I need to remind myself now and then.  I think this picture represents that perfectly.